Fellow Prismo AeroPress attachment
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Fellow Prismo Review: Clever, But Does It Work?

Everybody loves espresso, but not everybody wants to deal with an espresso machine. There’s no denying that the end product can be great. But the cost is significant, the maintenance is nothing to sneeze at, and dialing it in is not easy. So when you see the AeroPress’s plunger design, you might think, “Hey, that…

The Lifeboost medium roast coffee bag (front)

Lifeboost Medium-Roast Coffee Review: Tasty Brew, Questionable Marketing

Coffee may be the healthiest part of your diet. With how much I consume, that’s great news. Almost no caloric value, yet chock-full of antioxidants and associated with lower risks of some horrifying diseases. Now, loading yours up with creamer and sweetener is another story.  But reasonable amounts of pure, black coffee will almost certainly…

A clear view of the coffee beans in a Fresh Roast SR800
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Fresh Roast SR800 Review: The Best Home Coffee Roaster For Most Of Us

Roasting coffee at home is the best way to keep fresh, delicious beans on hand. It’s cost-effective, and perhaps better yet, it’s a lot of fun. After using different roasters over several years, I’ve found that the Fresh Roast SR800 (available here) is the best home coffee roaster for most of us. It isn’t cheap,…

Angels’ Cup Review: Does This Blind Tasting-In-A-Box Deliver?
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Angels’ Cup Review: Does This Blind Tasting-In-A-Box Deliver?

The best way to enjoy coffee more is to enjoy more coffee. What do I mean by that?  Just like good wine, good coffee contains more flavors than perhaps any single person could pick out.  There are hit-you-over-the-head obvious flavors, like the chocolates or nutty ones. Then there are subtler flavors like specific berries and…

AeroPress Review: A Lot To Love About This Unique Brewer
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AeroPress Review: A Lot To Love About This Unique Brewer

True or false: making great coffee at home requires either a finicky pour-over coffee set-up or a fancy, expensive automatic brewer? For most people most of the time, the answer is false.  That’s good news if you’re just getting into brewing coffee at home, or you’ve struggled to get consistent pour-overs, or your cheap-o coffee…