You Can Roast Coffee For Free…But Here Are 4 Better Options

You Can Roast Coffee For Free…But Here Are 4 Better Options

Roasting your own coffee can be delicious, cost-effective, and a wonderfully satisfying hobby. It does require some equipment, but there’s no need to go all in on gear just yet. In fact, you may not even need to spend a penny beyond the cost of green beans. The cheapest way to roast coffee is in…

What’s Wrong With My Pour-Over Coffee? (Simple Fixes!)

What’s Wrong With My Pour-Over Coffee? (Simple Fixes!)

It’s frustrating when a pour-over comes out badly, but it’s not a total waste. In fact, the nature of the off-taste holds the key to a better brew. Pour-over coffee is all about water control, so that’s the most common culprit. Double-check that your water temperature is above 85°C/185°F (at least) and that you’re using…

How To Store Coffee For Fresher Brews (Ground & Whole Beans)

How To Store Coffee For Fresher Brews (Ground & Whole Beans)

Age and exposure can turn a good coffee into a disappointing one. If you’ve ever brewed a cup that didn’t taste like it used to, then stale coffee is almost certainly the culprit To some extent, you can mitigate the effects of age and exposure through proper storage. But just what does proper storage involve,…

How To Choose A Coffee Grinder You’ll Love (Tips, Terms & Suggested Models)

How To Choose A Coffee Grinder You’ll Love (Tips, Terms & Suggested Models)

Your grinder will affect the quality of each cup more than anything besides the beans themselves. Brewing devices, storage canisters, kettle choice, and whatnot are all important and worth spending (some) money on. But they don’t have the same game-changing impact as a good grinder. To be fair, any fresh grind with a halfway-decent grinder…

Is It Hard To Roast Coffee Beans? (Plus How To Try!)

Is It Hard To Roast Coffee Beans? (Plus How To Try!)

Coffee roasting can look mystifying, but it’s not a complicated process. In fact, it’s surprisingly easy to try it for yourself using cheap equipment or even household items you already have! However, just because it’s easy to start doesn’t mean that is easy to master. Consistently excellent coffee takes a little study, a lot of…

Why Use A Pour-Over Coffee Maker? (Simple Explanation)

Why Use A Pour-Over Coffee Maker? (Simple Explanation)

Coffee drinkers have a lot of options when it comes to coffee makers. Some want the convenience of an automatic drip machine while others enjoy the ritualistic process of brewing with a pour-over brewer. If you’re looking for more flavor from your morning brew, then using a pour-over coffee maker is perfect for you! Read…

No Coffee Filter? These 4 Alternatives Work In A Pinch

No Coffee Filter? These 4 Alternatives Work In A Pinch

Coffee is a staple in my life and probably in yours, too. Whether you’re waking up, starting your day, or need an afternoon pick-me-up, coffee provides the boost we all need to get through the day. But what if you’ve run out of filters?! These 4 alternatives will at least do the trick. Fair warning:…

Pour Over Vs. French Press: Is There A Winner?

Pour Over Vs. French Press: Is There A Winner?

Pour over and French press coffee are two wildly popular brewing methods. Some like the smoothness and low-effort prep of the former; others don’t mind a more elaborate process that yield a cleaner cup. Both are delicious and can be quite satisfying to sip, but they have some major differences that suit different palates and…

Your Pour-Over Coffee Questions, Answered (Newbie-Friendly!)

Your Pour-Over Coffee Questions, Answered (Newbie-Friendly!)

Even though Melitta Bentz invented pour-over coffee well over a century ago (source), it only became somewhat mainstream in the 2000s. And to a large extent, it’s still the domain of specialty shops and home coffee enthusiasts. It remains new territory for lots of folks, so you might have some basic questions that you felt…